Speaking Series Design

CLIENT: Journey Community Church

ROLE: Ideate with a creative team, implement ideas, art direction, graphic design, production 

Develop captivating and relevant graphics to represent speaking topics for church services. New designs are created every 4 to 6 weeks and are implemented on various digital and print media.

Examples of designs used for various speaking series. Designs feature a variety of original illustrations, typography or creative use of stock illustration and photography.

Deliverables include digital assets for website and app, printed program, on-screen graphics, lower thirds, videos or animations.


Original typography


Home screen of mobile app


Design & illustration. Hand painted with coffee.


Home screen of mobile app

Original watercolor painting. Printed Program Cover (back and front)


Cookie baking, decorating, photography and design


Original gouache painting

Animation created in After Effects

Logotype animation in After Effects


Branding: Pathway